Transport for NSW – Bullying and harassment investigation
Transport for NSW – Bullying and harassment investigation – March 2018 (PDF version)
The PSA and combined unions met with TfNSW Workplace Conduct Investigations Unit (WCIU) and Industrial Relations management to discuss the progress in the investigation of allegations of bullying and harassment in the Burwood offices of Transport Shared Services on 12 March 2018.
At that meeting, the PSA and combined unions were provided with an update on the progress and outcomes of the findings of the WCIU. The PSA and combined unions were surprised to learn that despite a large cohort of staff who had provided statements, no actual findings of bullying and harassment were sustained.
Accordingly, the PSA and combined unions sought for the investigation to be thoroughly reviewed by an independent party outside of the TfNSW and the NSW Government. This is in order to provide staff with a level of certainty that the matters were transparent and robust. Put simply, the PSA and combined unions are having difficulty in reconciling the viewpoint from numerous staff witnessing such behaviours and what TfNSW has proved or in this case, not proved.
However, TfNSW has admitted that there is considerable levels of workplace dysfunction be it interactions between managers and staff; inappropriate communication styles; insufficient communication and assessment on current and new systems and; insufficient communication and consultation regarding the on-going restructuring activities in TSS.
In the combined union members meeting of 8 March, members have provided a ‘deep dive’ into the underlying issues highlighted a number causes which have led to the poor workplace practices.
The PSA and combined unions have compiled a list of these issues and has put TfNSW management on notice to provide commitments and/or answers for the following:
- Proper levels of information from TfNSW regarding the implementation and assessment of current and new systems to address deficiencies or failures.
- Proper levels of consultation regarding the Roadmap to Reform and further restructuring of TSS.
- Proper understanding of the TSS procurement review.
- A proper understanding of the current and future workloads to effectively develop workforce requirements, not just contract more skill hire.
- Proper training and assessment of staff including the transparent provision of higher duties as a part of career development.
- Commitments that there will be no reprisals for staff who have provided information to the enquiry.
- A consistent understanding of workplace entitlements for staff.
- The use of contingent labour in accordance with the TfNSW Salaries & Conditions of Employment Award 2017.
The PSA and combined unions will continue the process of meeting with staff and to progress the above mentioned issues. TfNSW intimated the need for better consultative mechanisms between TSS and the unions. TfNSW has entertained a Joint Consultative Committee for the cluster and the PSA and combined unions maintain that a mechanism of this nature, allowing employee representatives to meet with regularly with TSS management, will provide for better outcomes for members and TSS.
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