NSW Crime Commission – Legal Services Team – Proposed Change Management Plan and Consultation process
The Association met with NSWCC Commissioner Peter Boder, QC and other senior NSWCC representatives on 23 August 2018. The meeting was part of the initial consultation process regarding proposed changes to the Legal Services Team. During the meeting the Association provided initial feedback on the draft Change Management Plan.
The PSA was advised that a review of Legal Services had been undertaken in accordance with Section 88 of the Crime Commission Act 2012. Additionally, the Office of Police Review identified a number of issues for consideration regarding organisational structure and further changes to the Commission. The Association sought assurances that there would be no further reviews at NSWCC. The Commissioner advised that no further recommendations were proposed as a consequence of this review.
Both the PSA representative and Commissioner met with the Legal Services Team on 23 August 2018, where the Commissioner briefly outlined the proposal and rationale/recommendation for the changes. There should be an overall increase in staffing numbers with a decrease of one. The Commissioner provided assurance that there would be no further job losses within the team.
What is Change Management?
When an employer is proposing changes to the organisation they are obliged to consult with the Union.
Change Management Guidelines cover:
- Change Management Plan and proposed timeframes
- Current staff establishment (with grading)
- Various role descriptions both current and proposed
- Regional impact statement (where applicable)
- Any other relevant information that may assist the Association when consulting with its members
For more information, you can view the NSW Government Premier and Cabinet Change Management Guidelines HERE.
What does consultation mean?
- To receive relevant documentations about the proposed changes eg role description
- What those changes are and how they affect you
- To be given the opportunity to put forward your views with feedback provided
- To have those views genuinely considered by management before a decision is made
- Consultation must be effective and genuine
- Must occur before decision is made
Meetings with Legal Services Team
As part of the ongoing consultation process with members, the PSA will be in attendance with NSWCC IR and the Legal Services Team as follows:
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
- 11.00am – 12.00pm – Boardroom – NSW Crime Commission
NSWCC representative’s presentations – proposed Change Management Plan to Legal Services Team only (PSA observer) - 12.00pm – 1.00pm – Boardroom – NSW Crime Commission
PSA Legal Service Team, members’ meeting - 1.00pm – 2.00pm – By Appointment – Venue to be advised
Legal Service Team Individual PSA members
To make an individual appointment with the PSA representatives, please contact Ms Surabi Alauddin via email at and quote 107267.
What’s next?
After Wednesday’s meetings, members will be given reasonable time to review the documentation provided by management. Once members have had the opportunity to do so, PSA representatives will collate the feedback and provide it to NSWCC as part of the ongoing consultation process.
We cannot stress enough that members’ feedback is critical to the process. Members must advise of any concerns they may have with NSWCC proposed changes.
Join the PSA
Have your say, while increasing the negotiation power of the PSA by joining the PSA online HERE.