Environmental Allowance Review completed? No! It is not – dispute lodged
Members will be aware that PSA and Correctives approached the NSW Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) for assistance in resolving issues around the Environmental Allowance (EA).
As a means of assisting in the parties, the IRC suggested Correctives conduct a statewide review of non-custodial and community corrections positions. This has led to a blanket assessment of all positions provided and allowed the PSA to identify and address issues.
Although the review is largely complete, the PSA is still awaiting the assessments for some positions, including OS&P administration. In a letter to us, CSNSW indicated it was still waiting on receiving some documentation from Dr Ware’s area. The PSA has not received any further correspondence since that notification concerning the outstanding OS&P roles.
PSA is aware of the CSNSW Broadcast circulated on Thursday, 17 January 2019. The broadcast stated “A review of the entitlement to the Environmental Allowance (EA) has recently completed.
The review has been conducted in consultation and conciliation with the PSA and in the Industrial Relations Commission.”
The PSA disputes the Review has been finalised.
PSA wrote to CSNSW on 21 December indicating we would refer the following outstanding matters back to the IRC for conciliation:
- Community Corrections Parole Unit Managers: PSA maintains these positions are entitled to the EA.
- St Heliers Admin : PSA maintains the position is entitled to the EA
- Programs Facilitator- Dad and Families identified position: 50 per cent EA should be applied from the initial request to CSNSW to apply the EA. It is noted all former Program Facilitators were afforded the EA.
- Electronic Monitoring Unit. PSA maintains these positions are entitled to the EA. (PSA does acknowledge CSNSW notified PSA earlier this month that there are 2 teams within the unit and they are awaiting some further clarification, PSA in good faith indicate we would await further clarification of roles)
- Confirmation of the agreement reached whereby Community Correction Officers carrying a Parole case load will be entitled to the Environmental Allowance.
Further, PSA sought clarification that
- A system of lateral Higher Duties Allowance – HDA would be utilised to ensure staff are appropriately compensated for performing a role with EA attached. This is particularly important whereby Administration staff are rotated into Stores roles. Furthermore, PSA sought assurances that the staff would be paid the allowance for the days where they performed the duties of stores officer.
- How CSNSW will streamline a process to ensure the EA is captured when positions are being backfilled or rotated amongst staff to ensure consistency in the application of the EA.
None of the concerns have been answered by CSNSW.
2020 Funded positions
During Conciliation process PSA raised concerns that some staff recruited whilst the Environmental Allowance has been before the IRC have not received the Environmental Allowance payment. CSNSW confirmed employees in Community Corrections – Parole Units, Offender Services and Programs and Store positions will receive back pay in due course.
However, the PSA has been informed that CSNSW has told some staff who were employed under the 2020 funding that they “would only be eligible for back pay if they had evidence of making a complaint regarding not getting it”. Furthermore, that “the government couldn’t afford to back pay everyone”.
PSA maintains any member employed in Community Corrections – Parole Units, Offender Services and Programs and Store positions whilst the EA was before the IRC are entitled to receive the Allowance.
Where to now?
The PSA has lodged a new dispute as the Environmental Allowance has not been finalised as CS NSW has jumped the gun with their broadcast. The review process has not been finalised and nor has it been agreed to with the PSA.
If you have received a letter indicating you are losing the EA and believe that this is incorrect please contact the PSA – please quote call number 72253 – or your delegate as soon as possible.
The PSA will continue to pursue fair outcomes for members in relation to the Environmental Allowance.
Dylan Smith
Industrial Officer