Staff Assaults
POVB – Staff Assaults – March 2019 (pdf version)
Members would be aware there was recently a ruling from the District Court of Appeal in regards to an assault on a staff member at Goulburn HRMU by a well-known violent inmate.
The ruling was in favour of the assailant and has set a very dangerous precedent in regards to inmate management plans and regression in these plans.
The POVB State Executive and POVB Delegates from Goulburn CC are meeting with CSNSW Senior Management in regards to this matter on Monday, 11 March 2019. We will also be pushing the DPP to not only just wait to assess the ruling, but to appeal the ruling immediately.
POVB members are sick of being punching bags for inmates and the soft stance taken by magistrates, judges and politicians who already have the power and authority to take a hard line on assaulting Correctional Staff.
It is imperative that if you get assaulted, you still charge the inmate. Do not let this stop you charging an inmate if you are assaulted as the situation will only get worse for us all, if we don’t take action.
Today we were informed that a ruling took place on an inmate that assaulted an Officer from the South Coast Correctional Centre. The inmate received a three-year sentence. Finally, a judge who respects the job that we do and the risks that we take protecting the public.
A female officer from Goulburn has was assaulted. That inmate was recently found guilty and received a 12-month sentence on top of their current sentence.
We do not charge inmates enough and to show our support in our push to be recognised for the job we face and the risks we deal with on a daily basis, we believe charges should be laid every time an inmate assaults a Correctional Officer. It is time to stand up and stop being inmates’ punching bags and show them we do not accept it.
A bulletin will come out after the meeting with CSNSW on Monday to inform members of what transpired.
Contact details:
Nicole Jess
Chairperson 0427 609 199
Jason Charlton
Vice Chairperson 0401 500 976
Thor Sutherland
Country Chairperson 0447 633 476
Natalie Howes
Secretary 0407 011 441
Darren King
Assistant Secretary 0407 935 039
David McCauley
POVB Industrial Officer 0419 022 767