PSA CPSU NSW Retired Associates – December Update - Public Service Association

PSA CPSU NSW Retired Associates – December Update

Retired Associates met at PSA House and by Zoom on Tuesday, 5 December 2023.

PSA Industrial Manager Dylan Smith gave an update which included discussion about the very welcome changes to the Industrial Relations Act.  These include the repeal of the wages cap, the introduction of mutual gain bargaining, the re-introduction of the Industrial Court and re-introduction of regional allocations of Industrial Relations Commissioners.  The State Government is consulting with the PSA and further policy and legislative changes are likely to be considered in 2024.

We passed motions in relation to transition to retirement, volunteering, the impact of increasing digitisation, system failures, the closure of banks and ATMs and the loss of capacity to use cash and cheques.

We had a very high quality and thought-provoking presentation by Professor Tim Stephens from the University of Sydney.  Tim is an internationally renowned climate change expert. He advised that we are experiencing a climate emergency which is clearly evident from rising temperatures, rising sea levels and extreme weather patterns.  We are at a critical moment but there is also cause for optimism if the international community acts with urgency.  Tim discussed what is happening internationally, in Australia and within NSW.  He also highlighted the importance of acting collectively to address climate change and referred to the key role of unions and environmental/conservation groups.

A copy of Tim’s presentation is attached HERE.  The approved minutes of the meeting held on 24 October are attached HERE.  The draft minutes of meeting held on 5 December are attached HERE.

We agreed on the following meeting schedule for 2024.  Please put these dates in your calendars/diaries.  The first meeting for the year will be on Tuesday, 27 February at PSA House or via Zoom.


Tuesday, 27 February Tuesday, 27 August
Tuesday, 23 April Tuesday, 22 October
Tuesday, 25 June Tuesday, 3 December

Carmel McKeough
PSA CPSU NSW Retired Associates

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