Payroll restructure update: TfNSW refuses measures to extend unplaced employees’ end dates and workloads - Public Service Association

Payroll restructure update: TfNSW refuses measures to extend unplaced employees’ end dates and workloads

The PSA has been in continued correspondence with TfNSW, advocating for the implementation of processes that will ensure our members who wish to remain employed have the best opportunity to secure roles.

TfNSW will not provide any agreement or assurances to the following propositions put to it by your union:

  1. We sought the EOI for the grade 4 roles to be extended by three weeks to enable employees to seek any advice, noting that the current COVID-19 situation circumstances may have changed. TfNSW asserted employees have known since the end of last year, not acknowledging the difficult circumstances people may be facing.
  2. Not wishing to stand in the way of unplaced employees wishing to leave, the PSA sought for TfNSW to have a designated ordered approach for declaring employees excess, commencing with those employees who wish to exit. TfNSW would not agree, only stating when TfNSW will declare employees excess will be dictated by operational need (i.e. it will be at its discretion).
  3. In line with assisting those unplaced employees who wished to remain at TfNSW, the PSA proposed that unplaced employees who want to stay employed not be declared excess until the full implementation of the restructure. This would assist with workloads. TfNSW ignored this request. Instead it went on to cite employees could utilise job-swap opportunities. However, the feedback from members about job-swap opportunities has been troubling. It appears they are being administered too rigidly, to the extent if you haven’t done the job, you are rejected, regardless of transferrable skills.
  4. PSA sought assurances that where labour hire was being utilised for vacant roles, such as in Personnel, TfNSW would provide unplaced applicants with those opportunities. TfNSW provided no guarantee, instead citing that the use of labour hire was to support a spike in BAU work due to change. We are disappointed that TfNSW has not afforded this opportunity to employees who were unplaced and sought their experience.

TfNSW’s response and actions have ignored the situation in NSW, which the Premier has described as a national crisis.

The PSA is fighting to see as many members as possible retain employment. It would seem TfNSW does not wish to work with the PSA on achieving that.

We are aware that unplaced employees continue to have a full BAU workload which in some circumstances has reportedly increased.  With employees possibly existing the payroll soon, the PSA is concerned about the impact of these exiting  employees on the remaining employees’ workloads.

Whilst we continue to fight to keep as many people employed, the PSA wants to ensure the employees left behind at the end of this restructuring have a realistic workload.

To assist us in advocating for you, please fill in this survey about your workload. Click HERE.

If you have any further questions around any of the content of this bulletin feel free to reach out to your Organiser Ben James at

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