ADHC NDS submission + Ray Williams petition
ADHC NDS submission + Ray Williams petition – May 2017 (PDF version)
Too soon, too fast, too risky: stakeholders warn NSW over privatisation plans
As the Berejiklian Government barrels ahead with plans to privatise all government-operated disability services in NSW, disability peak bodies, parents and other organisations have added their voices to growing concerns that the federal agency, the NDIA, is unready and the private sector lacks capacity and expertise to deliver critical services.
Echoing concerns raised by the PSA, Australia’s peak body for non-government disability organisations, the National Disability Services (NDS), has urged state and federal governments to slow down and has highlighted several areas where they believe further work is require. These include:
Emergency response is inadequate
“Associated with emergency response is the need for a provider to be willing and able to step in (often this is a need for short-term accommodation). State and territory governments have processes to implement emergency responses but these will cease as the NDIS is implemented.
Arrangements for managing emergencies that will arise as the NDIS is implemented are currently poorly articulated and inadequate.”
NDIS funding is too low
The funding of the NDIS is under constant criticism in the media and yet the NSW Government is pushing ahead at an unseemly pace.
“Prices for one-to-one support are set too low. During negotiations with the NDIA during 2014, the Reasonable Cost Model (RCM) was developed to provide a transparent and evidence-based method to set realistic one-to-one support prices. Unfortunately, in mid-2014, the NDIA announced price increases which were lower than the prices generated by the RCM.”
Lack of Support for Carers
“The same report noted that support for carers in their own right had declined since the NDIS began, noting that many families and carers are unable to take adequate breaks from providing support and cannot access carer support in a consistent manner.”
Providers not ready for NDIS
“Without additional assistance, some providers will not make the transition to the NDIS, particularly small and medium-sized providers, those operating in thin markets, and those providing services to Indigenous people and people from culturally diverse backgrounds.”
Not enough quality safeguards for people with disability
“Enabling people with disability to live free from abuse, neglect and harm requires more than just effective regulation. Providers of disability supports must have appropriate knowledge, practices and organisational cultures to prevent and respond to abuse. The NDIS will change the profile of risk which organisations must manage, but it will not eliminate risk.”
Read the full submission HERE
Have your voice heard on this important issue…
The PSA continues to oppose the privatisation of disability services and is calling on Minister Williams to stop the transfer of public disability services to the private sector.
Please take a minute today to sign and share the petition so we can show the NSW Government we won’t allow them to sell-off our services without a fight.
Please sign this important petition HERE.
PSA/CPSU submission to the NDIS Costs Enquiry
The Association’s federal counterpart, the Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU), in consultation with the PSA, has made a submission to the NDIS Costs Inquiry.
The submission draws attention to the flawed and risky privatisation in NSW:
It is clear the privatisation of ADHC diminishes the choice and the rights available to workers. Despite the rhetoric, privatisation is also meaning less choice for ADHC clients and their families/guardians.
Read the full submission HERE.
All members of the CPSU NSW are also members of the PSA. The PSA is the associated body that manages and resources the CPSU in NSW.