August Joint Consultative Committee Meeting between PSA and Community Corrections - Public Service Association

August Joint Consultative Committee Meeting between PSA and Community Corrections

Assistant Commissioner’s update

The main points from the AC’s updates are:

  • Community Corrections have been working closely with other directorates regarding “Towards 2030,” to ensure there is no ‘slippage’ between the different areas. The AC is keen to ensure that resources are better allocated and used, rather than simply expecting members to take on more work.
  • The AC is looking to simplify unsupervised travel to other jurisdictions.
  • The AC is currently reviewing court duty being undertaken and having discussions with staff and judiciary to remove unnecessary administrative burden and tasks.
  • The AC is liaising between Parole and Community Corrections around matters shared between both areas. The scope of the matters discussed is getting larger as driven by CSNSW Strategy and Governance.
  • Transforming Aboriginal Outcomes division will lead an initiative called ‘common clients’, the process is designed to provide services to the family, not just the provision of services services on an individual basis.

Domestic Violence Electronic Monitoring

Following a review of the unit, a report was provided which included a review of workload for parole units, this report identified that work time allocated to DVEM was not sufficient. The report wasn’t undertaken by Community Corrections or endorsed by the AC. However, it provides Community Corrections with an impetus to look at workload allocations. This matter will remain on the agenda for next JCC meeting.

Recruitment process and Talent Pool Issues

The PSA raised the fact that members in talent pools are being overlooked for roles they could be placed in. Rather than choosing a candidate from an existing talent pool, Community Corrections run their own recruitment while eligible, qualified and assessed candidates are being overlooked. The PSA also raised that all the checks are not completed for people on talent pools.

The PSA raised a specific example of a role where a talent pool could have been used but was not. HR clarified the processes and advised that not all roles are recruited from talent pools. HR also advised that for internal candidates, checks are conducted prior to listing someone on a talent pool, and for external candidates, checks are conducted prior to any recruitment action.

The PSA will follow up with the CSNSW in writing prior to the next JCC meeting with further concerns and examples. Unfortunately, under the current GSE Act, Rules and Regulations, there is no requirement to fill a role from a talent pool.

 Flexible work framework

The PSA requested an update on the flexible work framework. CSNSW advised that it was being reviewed and was not yet finalised.

Workload model

The PSA listed additional administrative tasks which have accumulated and are not properly recorded in the model. This creates unnecessary stress for members.

The AC advised that he was aware that Community Corrections needed to investigate and interrogate the model to ensure it is effective. The two reports provided to date indicate that the current model is not fit for purpose.

The AC emphasised that he wanted to capture ‘invisible work’, work not accounted for by the workload model in order to get a handle on what the core business of Community Corrections should be. Community Corrections need to determine what a realistic caseload is and a review is needed particularly in order to understand the complexity of tasks as the current model does not account for this. The AC has been afforded the resources by CSNSW Commissioner to do this.

The AC advised that KPIs will apply but staff wellbeing is the priority, what will be measured by KPI is also under consideration by the AC. The main issue is to ensure that KPIs balance accountability with fairness in relation to determining workload and allocations.

In response, the PSA raised that there have been firm deadlines set for case notes and questioned whether this was always appropriate. The AC acknowledged that there are many inconsistencies at the local management level.

Towards 2030 update

Some SAPOs and psychologists will move to Community Corrections from the gaols. There is currently a playbook being developed to set out what SAPOs will do in the Community Service Delivery model.

The PSA advised that there needs to be more than just the playbook for members, particularly information around reporting lines.

CSNSW explained that the playbook is the first priority, then reporting lines will be finalised and the situation will become clearer as to the role of the new officers.

The PSA advised that if CSNSW was more transparent about potential reporting lines, then it might make the Community SAPO more attractive to members.


The AC advised that Community Corrections have secured resources for a primary training review and recruitment for the roles undertaking the review has been completed.

Regarding administrative officer training, now that the admin working group has conducted its work, a plan is being developed to implement the findings of the group.

PGI update

CSNSW advised that currently there is no broad review of PGIs. PGI is a tool from the tool box but not one that is mandatory. The practice team is exploring changes to the practice review model to make it more efficient and fit for purpose.

Dress Code for Officers attending home visits

The PSA raised concerns about Officer safety while attending home visits.

CSNSW advised that there is a working group dealing with safety concerns at present. Part of this is to consider whether there is a requirement for a home visit.

Recordings of Interviews with Offenders at Bankstown Pilot Project

The PSA advised that members at Bankstown had reported that it was mandatory to participate in the project.  The AC clarified that it was not in fact mandatory, but part of work being conducted by academics on group practices models.


The PSA raised concerns around the use of OKTA and the issues members are having logging in. CSNSW advised that members should continue to raise problems they experience with OKTA with IT.

Transfers and Compassionate Transfers

The PSA advised that CSNSW Directors are making the decisions without the committee referred to in the 2013 transfer policy. CSNSW explained that the policy was no longer operative due to machinery of government changes since 2013. CSNSW advised that matters can be brought to HR if members want to question the process.

Delegates have also raised the issue of compassionate transfers and a perceived lack of equity and transparency in how the compassionate transfer policy is used by managers at the local level. The PSA will follow the issue up with the relevant Directors.

Field Officers

The AC advised that there is a working group looking at the nature of their work and whether this warrant FOs being made ongoing. The PSA is also pursing the matter on behalf of FOs separate to the JCC process and a further update will be issued shortly. The PSA is advocating with the NSW Government for them to step in and assist with the conversion of those in insecure work to be made ongoing.

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