Automotive and SafeWork Inspectors update
Your union and local delegates from the Automotive and SafeWork Inspectors met with management on 19 July 2022 for the bi-monthly Better Regulation Division Consultative Sub-Committee.
Automotive Inspectors, represented by your local delegate, discussed the following matters:
Fit for purpose vehicles
This is in relation to loading heights and weight of equipment, not about driver comfort, which does not appear to be an issue. We were informed that a briefing had gone to Cathy Townsend who is on leave. We will receive an update on this matter in a few weeks when she returns and will send out further information to members accordingly.
Amount available for PPE on P Card
This had been raised at a previous meeting and PSA was seeking an update. There are discrepancies in relation to what amounts can be paid on the P Card. Employee Relations will be talking with business areas as well as Safety and Wellbeing to align the amounts. Further information will be provided as we receive it.
Laundry allowance
There appears to be an inability for the allowance to be connected automatically when new employees commence. In relation to new staff not getting the allowance, the Department has raised a ticket with GovConnect. They are also working through why it is not automatically applied for new Inspectors and will inform the leadership teams that they need to be on top of this. PSA reminds members that any issues related to pay should be raised through GovConnect in the first instance.
SafeWork Inspectors represented by delegates from the Vocational Group, discussed:
Policy or process for external complaints
The complaint process is on the Customer Service website. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to complaints. For example it the complaint is about privacy it is sent to the Privacy Officer. If it is about conduct it goes to People and Culture. It is not recorded in WSMS. Employee Relations will forward a link to the complaints process to the SafeWork Inspectors Vocational Group (VG).
There is no update on when this will be rolled out. Employee Relations will be briefed and there will be consultation with Inspectors. When the system is put into vehicles the pool vehicles will be prioritised. Private usage vehicles will be separate and the PSA will have discussions around the appropriateness (or otherwise) of it being added to those vehicles.
Issuing of PINs
The VG had raised concerns that a survey of Inspectors suggested some were being directed to issue PINs despite having made the call that a PIN was not required. Management suggested that there was a difference between the compliance program and a direction to do this. The VG have offered to supply de-identified information to management from the survey results.
Travel and transport policy
VG delegates raised concerns about the Travel and Transport Policy. Further information will be provided to management. If you have any concerns about the Policy, please forward them to the VG to be included with their concerns.
Mobility guide
The VG has concerns about the mobility guide. PSA will work with the VG to identify those concerns and provide them to management prior to the next sub-committee meeting.
Tamworth office
An update was sought in relation to this. Management said that a lease was due to be signed however there were delays with the owner’s solicitors. It is expected that the relocation will happen two months after the lease is signed but there is no confirmed date on when that will happen.
If members have any further questions in relation to the sub-committee please contact the PSA Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679 or and quote call reference number 187248.