Better Regulation Division (BRD) – Realignment
Consultation period
As the BRD realignment enters into the final stages the PSA has made representations today through to the Deputy Secretary BRD, in response to the short time-frame that has been allowed for the consultation on the proposed final structures released on 28 January 2020.
The PSA does not consider a one-week time frame to be adequate, especially given that many staff will just be returning to work from the Christmas-New Year Holiday period and have children returning to school.
Further, it does not allow the PSA Delegates or Industrial Staff the opportunity to raise any concerns at our regular fortnightly Restructure Joint Consultative Committee meetings with the next meeting scheduled for 6 February 2020.
The PSA has requested that the Department extend the consultation period through to 14 February 2020 to afford members a reasonable opportunity to provide meaningful feedback as part of the consultation process.
The PSA has requested a response from the Department by close of business 30 January and will communicate back to the membership the Department’s response and if required will seek the assistance of the NSW Industrial Relations Commission.
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