Better Regulation Division: Consultative Sub-Committee bulletin - Public Service Association

Better Regulation Division: Consultative Sub-Committee bulletin

PSA Delegates and industrial staff met with your employer on 26 April through the auspices of the Better Regulation Division (BRD) Consultative Sub-Committee.

Topics discussed included:

Update on WH&S matters

The Safework Well-check Program is progressing, feedback has been received and changes are being made.  Thank you to members who provided responses.

4PSQ HSR Work Groups – discussion being held with HSRs on constitution of the groups.  Nominations coming soon.

Critical Incident Support Program is being promoted.  BRD are looking at creating a Manager Guide.

Flu vaccinations have commenced.

EAP (Benestar) utilisation – BRD stated that 33 per cent of cases in March were work-related. The PSA has requested further numbers in relation to this. Questions were raised about the services available through EAP and where those details can be found.  BRD has committed to providing that information.  Your union will report back either at the next member meeting or provide an update for you prior. Additionally we have been provided the following utilisation data:

  • In March Better Regulation Division – 21 new cases, and 3 manager support cases taking utilisation to 5.2 per cent. Mental health accounts for 38.9 per cent of cases. 33.3 per cent of cases were work related
  • For DCS only: 0.9 per  cent of appointments for the quarter were delivered face to face, but the opening up of face to face delivery in March will drive higher levels of face-to-face appointments in the near future. 85.4 per cent of cases were supported over the telephone and 13.7 per cent via the digital modality.

The PSA asked about the current trial of overtime payments for the AHERS roster. Although the trial is only halfway through, it looks like there has been a 116 per cent increase in participation overall. As a result of this, only six Inspectors will have to do more than one week on the roster. There has also been an increase from 11 to 15 Managers participating.  The trial concludes at the end of June at which point, as part of the review process, a survey will be created. Please take the opportunity to provide your input and feedback.

Concerns had previously been raised by Fair Trading Automotive Inspectors about approved amounts available for PPE on P-Cards. The Department has confirmed that there are some discrepancies amongst teams within BRD and that an overall review is required given the overall increase in cost for items.

Purchase Card and Travelling Compensation dispute update

The PSA is pleased to advise that we finally have an in-principle agreement with the Department to resolve this long-standing dispute which due to the nature of work by many of our members in BRD is of significant interest.

As the agreement is still in the process of being signed off by the parties, we will reserve at this stage going into the specifics but there will be further detail provided in the next few weeks once the agreement is signed.

At the end of the meeting the Department reminded us of the Secretary’s message in relation to COVID updates. The Department has given an extension to people on special leave going through the misconduct process for non-compliance. Extensions have also been given to people who have exemptions due to medical reasons. The PSA has reminded the Department that risk assessments must still be undertaken before people can return to the workplace.

The Public Sector Needs a Pay Rise

Your union will always recognise the hard work and dedication our members bring to the Public Sector. This again just highlights that you deserve a decent pay rise to stay afloat with the ever-rising cost of living. For that reason, the PSA has launched a campaign to push for a decent pay rise to meet the cost of inflation and challenge the NSW Liberal-National Government’s unfair Public Sector Wages Policy cap of 2.5 per cent.

If you haven’t already, visit the campaign and sign the petition at

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