POVB bulletin
Public Health Order
On 6 September 2021 members must abide by the following public health orders:
- Live in an affected LGA but work outside of that LGA
- Show proof of a COVID vaccine
- Show proof an exemption of a medical contraindication
- Show proof of authority to travel
The proof is required for the workplace and if you are pulled over by NSW Police.
If you have not had a COVID vaccine as per the guidance from the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC), you must use your own leave.
- Live in an affected LGA and work within that LGA
- Show proof of authority to travel
The proof is required if you are pulled over by NSW Police
- Live outside an affected LGA but travel to work in an affected LGA
- Show proof of authority to travel
The proof is required if you are pulled over by NSW Police
The POVB Executive will assist members who have not had a COVID vaccine moving forward. We are meeting with Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) next week to ensure these members can use their leave and to get clarity on what CSNSW determine moving forward.
We have raised concerns that the requirements will leave centres short-staffed. This is at at time when our centres are already struggling to fill shifts and overtime is at an all-time high again.
After the meeting, we will put out a bulletin.
Mandated vaccinations
DPC has written to all Government agencies and instructed them to conduct a risk assessment to determine if the workplace is at high risk of transmitting the COVID virus to colleagues, the public and to inmates. If this is the case, the DPC’s instructions are to implement mandatory vaccinations.
The PSA’s in-house Legal Counsel has looked into this matter and a bulletin on vaccinations and the workplace went out on 2 September 2021 . The bulletin is available HERE.
The PSA is also obtaining legal advice from Senior Counsel Mark Gibian to ensure we are looking at facets of this issue.
There is also a paper that has been conducted by Senior Counsel Arthur Moses – Can employers mandate vaccinations. This paper was completed on 30 July 2021.
PSA survey: mandatory vaccinations
The PSA conducted a second survey regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. The survey received replies from 12, 832 members: 33 per cent of the PSA membership.
The survey has been broken up into through outcomes:
Vaccination rates
- 54 per cent of the respondents have been fully vaccinated and 22 per cent of the respondents have had one vaccination.
- 17 per cent of respondents have not had a vaccination and do not have an appointment book in.
Reasons some respondents haven’t been vaccinated
2,156 members responded to why they have not been vaccinated with:
- 50 per cent concerned over side effects
- 12 per cent do not think it is necessary
- 11 per cent cannot get access to their preferred vaccine
- 6 per cent are undecided
- 5 per cent have a medical contraindication.
Mandatory vaccinations
12, 832 members responded and the results were:
- 58 per cent strongly agree with mandatory vaccinations
- 17 per cent agree with mandatory vaccinations
- 9 per cent are neutral
- 4 per cent disagree
- 12 per cent strongly disagree
It is also worth noting that the Department of Community and Justice (DCJ) provided the highest number of respondents with 4683 filling in the survey. As yet we have not broken that down into the relevant agencies within DCJ.
The Department of Education was the second-highest respondent with 3938 replies.
Mandatory vaccines outcome
The PSA must balance the priorities of all members with what is achievable legally. At present the PSA is waiting on legal advice from a Senior Counsel and there will be another survey of all members with more direct questions on mandating vaccinations.
The PSA and the POVB Executive have been asked to participate in the consultation process regarding the risk assessment.
A meeting took place yesterday with all CSNSW PSA stakeholders, Senior Executive Advisory Group, COVB, Community Corrections, Non-Custodial, and POVB. It was decided we would write to CSNSW stating that once the risk assessment has been completed and CSNSW has made a determination we will consult with them to ensure that members who are not vaccinated are supported.
Many members have contacted us and stated that they will be vaccinated but at this stage, they are concerned with the only two options of vaccines available. This is something that we will raise with CSNSW when we meet.
There will be a bulletin regarding the Health Order and the survey results on Monday. The PSA and POVB will keep members informed as developments change.