Bulletin – Award Coverage for Court Associates
The PSA has been in discussions with the Director of Employee Relations at the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) regarding a proposed Award for Court Associates.
DCJ plan to create a new instrument for Court Associates (and Tipstaves) and where this Award is silent on a matter, the Crown Employees – Conditions of Employment Award, will apply. The PSA can confirm that this draft Award will be made available for consultation in mid-July 2021. Once the draft is received by the PSA, it will be circulated to members for feedback.
It is only because of our collective strength that the PSA is able to effectively advocate. If you know of any non-members, ask them to join so they can be involved in the award negotiation process. Membership applications can be found HERE
Your PSA staff:
Industrial Officer:
Monika Wunderlin
What can you do?
- Encourage your colleagues to join the PSA online HERE
- Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues.
- Print this bulletin and put it up on your notice board.