Surface Transport Structure
Tuesday 22 March the PSA, along with you and your colleagues, were invited by management to presentation for the proposed changes to the Surface Transport Structure.
The key features of the proposed reform is additional resources to fill the gap in resourcing that will result from the decommissioning of the Network Control Centre. These additional resources are to form an interim team known as the Surface Transport Coordination team.
The proposed structure can be viewed HERE.
TfNSW is proposing to also continue to engage with a small team of representatives to develop the interim ways of working, that is, how the teams will work together, their functions and responsibilities.
Consultation period closes Sunday 3 April, 2022.
The PSA will coordinate member’s anonymous feedback to provide to TfNSW.
If you have any feedback to provide you can contact the PSA on the details at the end of this bulletin.
Emergency Resource Framework
The PSA met with Transport for NSW (TfNSW) on Wednesday 23 March to provide feedback on its proposed Emergency Resource Framework. The PSA outlined the concerns our members have presented which were broadly speaking:
- The framework did not provide a clear trigger point. Meaning, what do the staffing levels need to be at to then engage the Framework? Members did not want this being utilised to support functions which are systemically under-resourced. It was made clear that if this framework was to be implemented and we had situation where it was being utilised inappropriately to the point of filling in for ongoing unfilled vacancies the PSA would not accept this.
- For the definition of what an emergency would constitute to be more specific and clear.
- The process before going to an employee who does not undertake the role normally, such as a MOC for TOC or STOC work, is to be more rigorous. They MUST ask all STOCs and TOCs if they can fill the shift, and even utilise systems such as the TOIS.
- Where an employee is to undertake a role, or parts of a role, which is not substantively theirs they are not to be referred to as the title of their non – substantive role.
- This is not to have an impact on employee’s access to OT or their rosters.
- MOCs were looking to have the framework implemented as they want to be able to assist the TOR in basic functions when they are understaffed such as in the floods.
The PSA has committed to by Monday provide to management in writing the feedback and suggested wording for the Framework. And a further meeting is scheduled for 4 April 2022.