Community Corrections Workload Management Dashboard – Update
The Public Service Association (PSA) and CCDC delegate, Kevin Manning met with A/AC Ellen McCarroll this week to discuss the frustrations and issues with the new Community Correction Workload dashboard.
While this wasn’t a technical session the aim was to stress the impact the new Dashboard is having on Community Corrections Service objectives and the psychological impact the changes have had on Community Corrections staff.
The PSA has received feedback from both our Members in the Community and Parole, and this has been shared with the A/AC. The next step is for the A/AC to meet with the Q/A team and report back to us with an update and hopefully a plan to address the concerns raised.
The PSA has requested that in the interim, the Crystal Reporting interface be reinstated until the Dashboard reporting is fit for purpose.
We will continue to report back to members.
Your Community Corrections delegates are:
Bart Gale (Chair – Central West)
Suzi Tubner (Vice Chair – Admin Metro)
Kevin Manning (TL – Metro)
Bronwyn Grainger (TL – Metro)
Thomas Pearce (CCO – Metro)
David Weir (CCO – Metro)
Kori Buck (Admin – Regional)
Paul Willis (CCO – South East)
Sonya Mantle (CCO – Central West)
Amy Riddle (TL – North Coast)
Mark Wisnewski (CCO – North Coast)
Blake Langelaar (CCO – Hunter)
Craig Jackson (Field Officers)
Simon Young (Electronic Monitoring)
Your PSA Industrial Staff:
Jacquie Carovska
Industrial Officer
Chris Auld
Senior Organiser
Latu Sailosi