POVB: PSA WIN! Meal Allowance decision
Last year, Corrective Services NSW instituted a new payroll system which resulted in a change to the way members’ dinner allowances were paid.
The Award entitles a Correctional Officer to a meal allowance at the dinner rate if the officer:
- works a rostered shift
- at the end of that rostered shift works at least 1.5 hours of overtime
- That overtime continues beyond 6pm.
Under the new payroll system, Corrective Services NSW said this meant that an Officer who ceased their rostered shift at 6:00pm was not entitled to a dinner allowance because their overtime did not cross over 6:00pm.
The PSA did not agree with Corrective Services’ interpretation and lodged a dispute, which was heard in the Industrial Relations Commission today.
The Commissioner agreed with our interpretation and made a recommendation that Corrective Services are to pay a meal allowance for anyone who ceases a rostered shift at 6:00pm and works overtime for at least 1.5 hours past that time.
Corrective Services has agreed it will comply with the recommendation of the Commissioner.
This will come as welcome news to our members who have been denied meal allowances since the change in interpretation.
The PSA will also be looking at undertaking an Award variation to improve the wording of this clause.
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