Customer Complaints Function Restructure Update
The PSA has been informed of recent communications from the business regarding role locations and Expression of Interests (EOIs). Members have expressed concerns that these communications do not align with the DCS Regionalisation Strategy and the Department’s commitment to maintaining employees’ current locations.
Upon review, the PSA finds that the recent messaging is not consistent with the information communicated to employees during the consultation period. We are actively addressing members’ concerns and are working towards a swift resolution. Further updates will be provided to members accordingly.
We recognise the exhaustive nature of this process for our members and assure you that we will continue to advocate and address issues with the Department to achieve the best outcomes possible.
In light of these developments, the PSA will be holding a members’ meeting on Tuesday, 26th March from 12:00 – 1:00 pm via Teams. This meeting presents an important opportunity for members to voice their concerns and for us to provide updates on our discussions with the Department.
Meeting Details:
Date: Tuesday 26 March 2024
Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Where: Microsoft Teams
JOIN HERE: Join the meeting
Meeting ID: 454 010 379 304
Passcode: TXUFMC
In addition, the PSA met with impacted members in early February, members put forward outstanding questions in regards to the restructure process post RMP finalisation. The following is a report back on the response received from the Department late last week:
- Direct Assignment: The Department has declined to review the decision on the basis that all roles in the Restructure Management Plan (RMP) have undergone changes, including the number of available roles and role descriptions. No further consideration will be made for the singular 5/6 position in the current structure.
- EOI Deadline and Workload Concerns: the department feels that have adequately responded to feedback regarding workload concerns and the Expression of Interest (EOI) deadline, with the current adjustments they have been made.
- Pre-approved Leave and school holidays: The Department reports having structured recruitment activities to minimise disruptions during school holidays. Advising that communication channels have been established for staff should they need adjustments based on their circumstances leave requirements and are encouraged to communicate directly with their people leader ahead of recruitment activities.
The PSA is aware that members do not feel they have received support from their People Leaders in regard to seeking adjustments. If you are seeking adjustments for individual circumstances let the PSA know so we can advocate on your behalf.
- Use of Talent Pools: Following Stage 4 recruitment outcomes, the Department may establish a talent pool in line with standard recruitment practices. Future recruitment decisions, based on surge, workload, or operational requirements, will adhere to prevailing recruitment policies.
- Assessment Process Equity: the department has advised that to ensure fairness, all at-grade applications will be prioritised for assessment, with outcomes determined before below-grade applications are considered.
The business must ensure that all assessments adhere to Government Sector Employment (GSE) requirements.
- Employees Applying for Lower Graded Roles: The department has taken the position that as employees can continue within their current classifications through the mobility process or choose of their own volition to apply for a lower graded role within the structure, that employees would not be entitled to salary maintenance.
The PSA does not agree with the Departments interpretation of this matter and are waiting for further response.