DPI Water Restructure update
DPI water restructure update – 14 February 2017 (PDF Version)
The PSA met with management on 7 February to further discuss the current restructure. We raised and discussed the following issues:
- Make up of interview panels: the PSA recommended DPI Water exceed the minimum criteria in this instance to instil confidence in the process. Management was open to:
– three-person panels
– installing the direct supervisor as the hiring manager, where possible
– in the case of externally advertised positions, including one member of the panel external to DPI Water with skills relevant to the role being recruited, where possible.
This will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
- Communication to staff: the PSA raised the importance of good communication to staff. DPI Water Deputy Director General Gavin Hanlon advised he would predominantly use DPI@Work/Workplace, as well as some updates by email.
- Interview training: as a result of requests there be stronger emphasis on interview training skills, staff will be provided with email links to training websites to assist with this.
As a result of PSA action to date, supplementary interviews have taken place for three Grade 11/12 staff. Further to this, three DPO 2/3 staff were able to be assessed internally for Clerk grade 7/8 positions as a result of PSA representation.
PSA survey of members
You would be aware of a survey conducted of members recently relating to the current situation in DPI Water. A total of 58 responses were received. The following summarises a preliminary assessment of the results of that survey. A more detailed summary can be viewed HERE.
In regard to the issues the PSA should focus on, the most significant response by far was to ensure the process is consistent, transparent and equitable. The next highest response was addressing individual issues as they arise.
More than 70 per cent of those responding sought a slower but measured approach to the restructure as opposed to those preferring it being completed quickly.
Whilst a high number of respondents were satisfied with the PSA’s communication (with nearly 20 per cent being very satisfied) there was a small percentage not of that view. Communication is something the PSA always endeavours to improve upon and we recognise all our members’ views on this. Since the major changes in PSA leadership last year, the delegate structure is becoming revitalised again.
To this end, a meeting will be held for all those in Parramatta at 12noon on Thursday 16 February in the Level 3 meeting rooms to provide a verbal update of the restructure and to seek feedback. All are welcome.
A reminder that you can contact members of the workplace group (listed below) or direct to the PSA via phone on 1300 772 679.
PSA workplace group in DPI Water:
Michael Wrathall (delegate)
Andrew Brooks
Mark Burrell
Shahadat Chowdhury
Patrick Driver
Michael Healey
Helen Keenan
Dave Miller
Patrick Pahlow