e-toll woes: PSA asks, ‘Where was the consultation?’
The PSA has been shocked to learn about the recent debacle with Transport for NSW (TfNSW) implementing a system change which, according to recent media reports, has impacted up to some 80,000 account holders across NSW.
While the TfNSW Chief Operations Officer may have apologised unreservedly to the affected customers, the PSA is not aware of any such acknowledgement towards the Service NSW staff in the Contact Centres who have been at the forefront of dealing with these disgruntled customers.
The PSA has been made aware that call queues have jumped up to having 300 calls with an average wait-time of 40 minutes. In addition to this, PSA members have reported having to work a minimum of 30 to 45 minutes overtime to clear these queues.
This is having a significant toll on our members’ health and wellbeing. While we are pleased to hear that wellbeing checks with staff are now being conducted, it does feel somewhat like Groundhog Day, where yet again Service NSW staff find themselves being smashed by changes to systems or introduction of services that are just foisted upon staff with little to no preparation.
Where is the consultation?
The Service NSW Award clearly states that when a change is proposed that will have an impact on the working arrangements of employees, including the introduction of technological change, Service NSW will consult with employees and the Association.
While the PSA accepts that Service NSW does not necessarily have control over TfNSW it is simply not good enough that these changes can be made in a bubble without consultation. The PSA will pursue this with both Service NSW and TfNSW to ensure that, at the very minimum, members can have at least an idea of what’s coming down the pipeline.
PSA’s 2022 Wages Claim
Your union will always recognise the hard work and dedication that our members bring to the public sector and this again just highlights that you deserve a decent pay rise to stay afloat with the ever rising cost of living. For that reason, the PSA has launched a campaign to push for a decent pay rise to meet the cost of inflation and challenge the NSW Liberal-National Government’s unfair Public Sector Wages Policy cap of 2.5 per cent. To learn more about the campaign and to write to your MP and sign the petition, go to www.psa.asn.au.