Environment Protection Authority conducts another review - Public Service Association

Environment Protection Authority conducts another review

Review - Nov 2020 (PDF version)

The PSA has been notified that the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has engaged Weir Consulting to undertake another review. The PSA understands Weir Consulting will be looking at the decision-making processes across three different operational contexts, being outer regional (Griffith), a large regional centre (Newcastle) and a state-wide function (Incident Management). 

The PSA has raised concerns as to the ultimate purpose of this review and what outcomes the EPA will be seeking. The PSA has also requested an urgent meeting with the EPA to discuss the review, which will be held on Wednesday 25 November.

The PSA advises members not to schedule interviews with Weir Consulting until after the PSA meets the EPA and we can provide members with a further update and informed advice.

If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime you can contact your local delegate or PSA Organiser Chris Bird at .

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