Excess leave balances and access to leave
The PSA has been made aware of a number of members who are continuing to have problems accessing flex leave due to their excess leave balances.
This problem has only been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic and the inability for some individuals to take annual leave.
The “Principles for requests to amend planned leave: Coronavirus context” allows for a common sense approach to managing excess leave balances, including that “Managers are required to take a sensible and considerate approach to managing excess leave during the Coronavirus outbreak”. If employees have a plan for reducing any excess annual leave at a forward date (before 30 June 2021) this should be taken in to account.
The PSA wishes to remind members who cannot access flex leave in equip due to an excess leave balance that they should email and clearly mark the email ‘timesheet problem’ in the subject line.
If any member is continuing to experience difficulties, they are encouraged to contact the PSA on 1300 772 679.