iCare 2020 Service Delivery Model
iCare 2020 Service Delivery Model – October 2018 (PDF version)
Thank you to PSA delegates and members for your input and involvement in the consultation over the 2020 Care Service Delivery Model.
Following this feedback, the PSA submitted a number of questions through to iCare and we have received the following responses back. Click HERE for a copy of that response.
Even though the official consultation period for the SDM has now finished, please be reassured the PSA will continue to engage with icare through our ongoing consultative mechanisms such as the Joint Consultative Committee and at any time as is appropriate.
Flexible Working Hours agreements
The PSA has received a number of concerns around members regarding the proposed special working hour provisions that will apply to the Rehab Case Managers (RCM), notably the extended operating hours and no core time.
Please note in the response back to the PSA from icare that:
‘The special provisions would work in harmony with the provisions of the Motor Accident Authority Flexible Working Hours Agreement and icare’s Award.’
There should be no outcome which sees icare employees in the Care 2020 Service Delivery Model not being able to access their entitlements as per the FWHA or icare award.
Further icare have committed to establishing a working group to receive and discuss information on the operation of the special flexible working hours’ provisions that will apply and the PSA is committed to ongoing discussions with icare on this issue.
Joint Consultative Committee (JCC)
The next JCC will be on 27 November 2018.