Have your say on changes in the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal
The PSA has been notified of the communication, consultation and implementation plan for the proposed Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal Flexible Work Arrangement.
What is being changed?
The following significant changes will be affected by the arrangement:
- Bandwidth The current 7:00am to 7:00pm bandwidth will be extended to 6:00am to 10:00pm
- Core time The current core time of 9:30am to 3:30pm will be removed.
- Meal breaks The maximum break time of two-and-a-half hours and defined window of between 12:00pm and 2:30pm will be removed. There will no change to the entitlement of one hour, minimum 30 minutes and maximum five hours work without a break.
What is not changing?
A large amount of the current arrangements will not be changing. These include:
- The ongoing requirement for employees and supervisors to agree on attendance patterns that provide a work/life balance and meet operational requirements.
- Settlement periods remain 12 weeks.
- Standard contracted hours remain seven hours per day and 35 hours per week.
- Maximum flex credit remains 42 hours.
- Maximum flex debit remains 14 hours.
- Banking flex and use of banked flex leave remains.
- Maximum daily hours remain 10 hours.
- Maximum hours without a break remains five hours.
Consultation will end on 20 October 2023. During the consultation period we invite members to provide feedback to the Member Support Centre at and quote call number 211268 or call 1800 772 679 and quote call number 211268.
The PSA will update members once further information from the Department is received.