iPart – Update from JCC meeting on 6 December 2018
iPart – Update from JCC meeting on 6 December 2018 (PDF version)
The PSA and IPART held the most recent JCC on 6 December. Prior to this meeting the PSA had written to the employer advising that we wanted to have the People Matters Survey as an ongoing item at all JCCs. The surveys are annual now and should be noted as a valuable tool to assist in discussions with management.
Our correspondence stated there was a current lack of trust from staff towards management and that this was indicated in the Survey.
Our meeting was frank in discussing the issues. Issues that were discussed included:
- lack of confidence in recruitment processes
- lack of confidence in grievances being properly addressed
- concerns relating to performance management
- the number of people who have left the organisation in the last few years
- bullying.
Management recognised there were issues with trust and that it would take some time to turn that around. Predominantly we spoke about good communication and training in many of the areas listed above as means to start improving things. Management was particularly advised that good top-down communication was vital.
The PSA will keep this on the agenda and hope this will lead to the improvements desired by staff. It is our intent to be frank and critical where appropriate but with the aim to ensure management hear the vwiews and concerns of staff. Only in doing so will things improve.
We welcome hearing the views of members; either through your delegates or directly to the PSA.
Please be aware that if performance or misconduct issues are raised with you the PSA is able to advise and assist, if you are a member.
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