Labour hire in supervisory roles
Labour hire in supervisory roles – October 2018 (PDF version)
Last month the PSA brought it to the attention of management that we had reason to suspect that labour hire – contractor or contingent labour – at SARA were acting in supervisory positions and were allocating work and approving leave to public servants.
While the PSA will continue to support all workers, be it public servants or labour hire – we take seriously the adherence to government sector rules. To that end we reminded the Department of the Commission’s direction from 6 April 2018 that agencies are to ensure contingent and consultants do not exercise administrative and/or financial delegations as per clause 3.64 of the Crown Employees Award 2009 and the other instruments.
Meeting with management
The PSA met with management representatives on Friday 5 October. We were given explicit assurance that no contractors within SARA are, or have been, exercising financial, administrative or HR delegations. We were advised that as per the A/Executive Director’s advice, contingent labour do not have system access to approve items such as flex sheets.
Next steps
The PSA relies on information from the membership. If any member has firm evidence which contradicts the Department’s above assurance, then please speak with your local delegate.