Valued support: Has your legal support role changed?
Your union is investigating the changing nature of legal support work across Legal Aid, particularly from staff whose duties have become more complex in recent years. The PSA has made representations about this problem in recent meetings with senior management.
Please take a couple of minutes to submit the survey, and forward to colleagues who are not yet members. All information will be kept strictly confidential, and de-identified.
Complete the survey HERE.
PCC report: Project Respect and CLAS guidelines
At our most recent Peak Consultative Committee (PCC) meeting with management, we sought updates on the development of ‘Project Respect’, which First Nations, CALD, queer staff, and staff with experience of disability have been invited to consult on in recent months, through the various Staff Networks. An implementation plan will be presented to the union for consultation by the end of this month.
Union members have also contributed to the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee’s consideration of new guidelines for the administration of the Community Languages Allowance Scheme (CLAS), emphasising the need for consistent and central guidelines that reward all staff who can help communicate with diverse communities.
We thank union members who have briefed the PSA throughout these processes, and encourage members to reach out to us with their thoughts and concerns as Project Respect and the CLAS guidelines continue to be developed.
Proposed executive restructure postponed
The union was informed of a proposal to restructure the current Legal Aid executive. Initial plans included the upgrading of several Deputy Directors, and the creation of new executive roles. This proposal was circulated in late April, but has since been indefinitely postponed.
Members and delegates expressed serious concerns about the initial proposal, particularly in the context of backlogs and ongoing workload demands on frontline staff, and the freeze on Senior Executive Staff salaries recently announced by the NSW Government. It is important that the agency prioritises appropriate resourcing of the key services we provide and avoid top-heavy management structures.
Farewell – and welcome – to delegates
The Legal Aid Departmental Committee congratulates outgoing Delegate Dane Bracewell, who has accepted a new role as Deputy Registrar at the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia. Dane has been an asset to members through his tireless advocacy on the DC, and his support for his colleagues will be missed.
We’ve recently welcomed new additions to the PSA Legal Aid team in Sydney: Site Delegates Omaim Al-Baghdadi and Jarrod Ralley. PSA staff and Delegates are available to Legal Aid members for industrial advice and support through the PSA Member Support Centre.
They’ve recently visited a number of Legal Aid offices, and welcome contact from members interested in hosting future visits at your site. We can host hybrid member meetings for staff working remotely, or just drop by. If you’d be interested in getting more involved in the union, get in touch.
The PSA is committed to wellbeing at work, and we can only succeed with a strong Legal Aid membership. If you wish to become more involved, have a colleague who is interested in joining, or have other questions, get in touch with our Member Support Centre on 1800 772 679 or one of your union contacts listed below.