Movements of Inmates out of Metro Regions
Recently, various centres in regional areas have passed motions that they will not accept inmate movements from metropolitan regions.
Since this time, the POVB has been engaged in discussions with CSNSW about how these movements can be managed. Following these meetings, CSNSW released Commissioner’s Instruction 42/2021 with further guidelines around the transport of inmates.
Due to various motions still being in place, CSNSW lodged a dispute in the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC). The matter was conciliated before Commissioner Muir.
During conciliation, it was suggested that the day prior to receiving inmates, a centre will receive their list of scheduled movements, with additional information relating to Commissioner’s Instruction 42/2021. CSNSW agreed to this.
Commissioner Muir has now made a recommendation that the parties are to continue discussion with one another and must comply with the dispute resolution procedures, which will require the lifting of the motions refusing inmates.
The matter is now listed for further conciliation tomorrow, Tuesday, 7 September at 2pm. At that time, if the dispute resolution has not been followed, it is likely that orders will be made at arbitration.
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