The Secretary sent a broadcast to Planning and Environment (P&E) staff on 31 January 2021, outlining the new executive structure. Within the broadcast he advised:
“The basis of our new structure is to pivot resources to where they are most needed, streamline support and remove duplication. Every staff member needs to be directly serving the community and delivering on our objectives”.
PSA members in P&E have provided a valuable service under extremely challenging circumstances for a number of years, starting with the bushfires in in 2019, then the COVID-19 pandemic from 2020 until now. In this time, members have directly served the community in meeting the Department’s objectives.
The PSA disputes that our P&E members would feel that their work has been needless and doesn’t add value to customers and community. Maybe the Secretary should have asked his staff if they feel the work and support they provide to the community and businesses to be meaningless.
We say our members have gone beyond the requirements of their roles to support customers and communities during the past few years. They have demonstrated their commitment to provide a professional service to all stakeholders, particularly over the past few years. This commitment and dedication should be acknowledged and rewarded by senior management.
The PSA is proud of our P&E members for what they have provided to NSW communities during these unprecedented times.