NSW Police Proposed SOCO role description: Request for feedback
NSW Police Proposed SOCO role description request for feeback – June 2017 (PDF version)
The PSA was recently made aware staff were given proposed SOCOs and S/SOCO role descriptions, yet given only one day to provide feedback. The PSA asserted this was not enough time for proper consultation and feedback to occur and sought an extension.
Due to the PSA’s representations, an extension was granted for feedback to be provided by close of business on 23 June 2017.
The PSA is now seeking your feedback on the proposed role description through a quick survey. Please click HERE to fill out the eight-question survey.
Please remember when filling out the survey that the proposed role description (found HERE) is supposed to be a translation of your current role description (found HERE) and is to cover not just experienced SOCOs but those entering the workforce.
The survey will close at 11:59pm Tuesday 20 June 2017.