Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions: Workload Weighting Dispute in NSW Industrial Relations Commission
The PSA wrote to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) in December 2020 regarding the Workload Weighting Agreement and Workload Management Agreement (WMA). In the letter the PSA advised that many solicitors had excessive workloads and that the ODPP should follow the agreed parameters of the WMA, whereby a lawyer’s practice is to range from 22 to 28 in the city (average 25), and 15 to 22 in the country (average 20). The average is over six months. A copy of the letter to the ODPP and a copy of the agreement can be found HERE.
The ODPP responded by reiterating what it sees as the benefits of the new WMA proposed stating it will be mutually beneficial for staff and managers. The ODPP did not respond to the workload pressures raised by the PSA or the routine and clear breach of the WMA resulting in chronic workload stress. A copy of the ODPP’s response can be found HERE.
As such, the PSA has filed a dispute at the NSW Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) in order to get the ODPP to adhere to the agreement. The matter is listed for compulsory conference before Commissioner Murphy on 23 February 2021. The first stage of dispute settlement at the IRC involves conciliation between the parties. At conciliation, if agreement cannot be reached by negotiation, the PSA will continue to prosecute the matter through all available avenues including filing a matter with SafeWork NSW as well as seeking further assistance from the IRC.
People Matter Employee Survey – Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
Members have requested copies of the PMES survey. A copy of the survey results can be found HERE. The PSA has also requested more detailed information of the PMES results from the ODPP.
Your PSA staff
Monika Wunderlin Industrial Officer
What can you do?
- Encourage your colleagues to join the PSA online at:
- Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues.
- Print this bulletin and put it up on your notice board.