POVB bulletin
POVB bulletin – February 2018 (PDF version)
Sub Branch Elections
As per POVB Rules, all sub branches are to hold POVB elections in February for all positions.
If any sub branch needs assistance, do not hesitate in contacting one of the State Executive.
Once the elections are finalised can you please inform Secretary Natalie Howes, Assistant Secretary Darren King or Chairperson Nicole Jess so we can update the delegate list and then forward it to all delegates. We will also require the contact information and mobile numbers of all delegates.
I encourage members to think about nominating for positions. We will assist all new delegates and the PSA has training courses to assist them. CSNSW’s first approach in dealing with issues is at the local level so good delegates are needed to try to deal with matters first hand.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all delegates for their hard work over the past year. POVB has never before had to deal with the reforms that we have been dealt with over this time. I know that it has been difficult and the delegates across the state have done a fantastic job in representing the greater membership. You have also assisted the POVB Executive as we have had to rely heavily on delegates at times and we appreciate the support given to us.
POVB Executive Meetings
In the month of February, the POVB Executive has the following meetings:
- Monday 5 February – Benchmarking & Other CSNSW Reform Consultative Meeting
- Monday 5 February – Higher Commencement Salary Meeting for Ongoing Staff
- Friday 9 February – POVB Consultative Meeting
- Tuesday 13 February – Oberon Benchmarking presentation
- Wednesday 14 February – Lithgow Benchmarking presentation
- Thursday 15 February – Kirkconnell Benchmarking presentation
- Friday 16 February – Bathurst Benchmarking presentation
- Monday 19 February – Transfer at Grade Policy Meeting
- Tuesday 20 February – Report back to the IRC, re. Benchmarking
- Monday 26 February – Benchmarking & Other CSNSW Reforms Meeting
We still have to go to a small centre to see what is happening with SCO roles and responsibilities. This should take place prior to the IRC report back on 20 February.
All information will be put out in bulletins after these meetings have occurred.
Sterile zone checks
As you would be aware, we put out a bulletin stating sterile zone checks should not be completed if the area being checked has pebbles or rocks that could be dangerous to staff. There have been officers hurt with knee and ankle injuries.
Some centres have done local risk assessments and put measures into place to rectify the issue. CSNSW has also approached us to revise the bulletin and get majority of centres to do the local risk assessments. Dave McCauley has put to CSNSW that all the risk assessments need to be done with him present, as he was at the initial risk assessment where work cover deemed John Morony perimeter area unsafe and the checks could only be done under mechanical means.
This issue will be discussed at the consultative meeting on 9 February. Further information will come out after that meeting.
Legal fund
Most bulletins we put out continually state that members should be protecting themselves and making sure they are also a member of the legal fund.
Each week we still have members of the POVB being faced with criminal charges or disciplinary charges that could result in criminal charges being laid, yet they are not in the legal fund. Each month we have members who have a death in custody and yet they are not in the legal fund.
If you are faced with any of the above and not in the legal fund we cannot support you. And legal fees can range from $10,000 for a coronial inquiry to $100,000 for criminal matters.
The legal fund is $2 per week – $4 per fortnight. It is tax-deductable so in total it is less than $90 a year. What legal insurance can you pay for $90 a year? I cannot emphasis enough the importance of being in the legal fund.
I understand many members withdrew after the Rob Shaw incident, but I can assure you that the constitution will be changed and Rob Shaw is assisting us in that process so it never happens again. Please protect yourself and make sure you are a member.
Contact Details
- Nicole Jess – Chairperson
0427 609 199 - Jason Charlton – Vice Chairperson
0401 500 976 - Thor Sutherland – Country Chairperson
0447 633 476 - Natalie Howes – Secretary
0407 011 441 - Darren King – Assistant Secretary
0407 011 441