POVB bulletin Benchmarking
POVB bulletin benchmarking – May 2017 (PDF version)
IRC 10 May – Benchmarking
Yesterday the PSA was in the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) before Commissioner Newall in regards to the issues relating to benchmarking.
The PSA raised concerns the Department is proceeding with benchmarking individual centres. Your union believes the process is inconsistent from centre to centre, due to the local sub-committee’s ability to only addressing benchmarking issues at its own centre and there being no process to an overarching state-wide process.
The PSA raised the fact outcomes that are adopted in these centres will be illustrated to other centres that have not yet been subject to the benchmarking process. Your union proposed a state-wide benchmarking committee be formed to meet regularly and extrapolate information and data received from the Department and local benchmarking sub committees so a more consistent approach can be taken and information be distributed to the members.
The PSA also requested the reports and data the consultancy firm presented to the Department. The Department relied on these to make decisions in terms of safe staffing numbers. We also requested all risk-assessment documentation to justify that the proposed job cuts do not compromise the safety of staff and correctional centres. The Department stated the report and data from the consultancy firm were presented to the Government and that no risk assessments currently exist.
The PSA raised that there are many issues that are all-encompassing and related to each other, however the Department is only giving us snippets of information. We raised that we need all the information, relating to benchmarking (Consultancy reports and data, KPIs, risk assessments, proposed changes to management plans and P28s), proposed cyclic rostering rules and principals and award proposals. We stated that we would not be entering into any confidentiality agreements in order to provide all proposed restructure changes to the members.
Commissioner Newall has requested the PSA list in writing to the Department-specific issues, concerns with some precision and resolution/solutions.
Commissioner Newall is writing a report to Chief Commissioner Kite stating he believes assistance from the IRC is required to deal with these matters. He suggested Commissioner Kite will decide which Commissioner will take carriage of these matters.
We will keep you updated with information as it arises.
Nicole Jess
Chairperson POVB