POVB bulletin – John Morony update
POVB bulletin – John Morony update – June 2017 (PDF version)
As all members are aware, the POVB Executive, with the assistance of the John Morony delegates, has been in negotiations with CSNSW regarding keeping John Morony in public hands.
Last week the General Secretary, Stewart Little, and PSA Industrial Manager Justice, Evan Cole, met with Assistant Commissioner Kevin Corcoran and Gayle Robson. It was discussed at this meeting that the PSA would not be signing off on a third award – the deletion of the First Class rank. It was also discussed that the staffing profile of the John Morony Centre was deficient on weekends when there are no industries and all inmates are back in wings.
From that meeting it was agreed the POVB Executive and the John Morony delegates will look at a proposal to put to CSNSW.
We met on Monday, 19 June 2017 and took the proposal to the John Morony members on Tuesday, 20 June 2017.
Members may not be aware that a serious assault took place against an inmate on Monday afternoon at the John Morony Centre. At the Tuesday meeting, the lack of staff in the tender and the fact that the tender takes out the majority of experienced staff was of high concern to the members. Due to this, members requested more staff in the tender.
Attached HERE is the letter that was sent to CSNSW with the proposal and questions that members want answered. CSNSW has been told the whole POVB membership still needs to vote on the proposal and that what was put before them was from the John Morony Sub-Branch. We are waiting to see what the outcome of the proposal to CSNSW is. When we know more we will inform the membership.
It is reiterated that this tender is completely different to anything that is currently being implemented in any Centre. As you can see by the letter and reading through the lines, the tender consisted of:
- Inmate population 447
- Increase in inmate classification to A Classification with the capacity of taking EHS and NCIS inmates. (Currently a B Classification Centre)
- Decrease in custodial staff from 100 to 84
- Increase of overseers from 10 to 21 (no coverage over the weekend)
- Deletion of the First Class rank (change in our Award conditions)
- Meal breaks to be shared with inmates (change in our Awards conditions)
- No mention of staff parade, VORs and the Safe Staffing Award.
The POVB Executive, John Morony delegates and members have serious safety concerns for the staff and inmates of this centre under this tender. Monday’s incident could well have been an officer and without the experience and knowledge that was working in the Centre on that day, it could have had a totally different outcome. If you have anything you want to discuss re this process and what you have read please contact one of the POVB Executive:
Nicole Jess – 0427 609 199
Jason Charlton – 0401 500 976
Natalie Howes – 0407 011 441
Thor Sutherland – 0447 633 476
Darren King – 0407 935 039