POVB member update
POVB member update – March 2018 (PDF version)
Assistant Commissioner Corcoran has issued CSNSW Directors and Governors a communication on 19 March 2018 titled:
Trial Procedure – Exceptional Circumstance Reception of Remand Inmates into Correctional Centres
The State Executive of the Prison Officers Vocational Branch wants to reinforce to POVB members that the POVB Management Committee has a current motion in effect. The motion states that:
POVB members refuse to house inmates on mattresses on floors (except in a designated assessment cell) in any Correctional facility in New South Wales.
The State Executive hereby directs all POVB members not to place any inmate in any CSNSW location on a mattress on a floor.
No inmates are to be received above the agreed Operational Capacity of your location and no inmate is to be received outside the Core Reception Room hours of operation.
If you have any issues with this directive please contact:
Nicole Jess – Chairperson
0427 609 199
Jason Charlton – Vice Chairperson
0401 500 976
Thor Sutherland – Country Chairperson
0447 633 476
Natalie Howes – Secretary
0407 011 441
Darren King – Assistant Secretary
0407 935 039