The PSA is concerned at the pace of announcements of private providers while the funding of the NDIS is under a cloud.
The Department of Family and Community Services has advised ADHC staff of three more private providers of supported accommodation and respite services.
Despite their claims, the union was not notified or consulted regarding these announcements.
This is a great disappointment to our members and the union.
The funding of the NDIS is under constant criticism in the media and yet the NSW Government is pushing ahead at an unseemly pace.
Members have been advised that the providers are LiveBetter Community Services, formerly known as CareWest, who will service Western NSW.
Transfers are expected from 1 September this year.
Hunter Valley Disability Services Limited is a consortium (that is, a group of organisations that have agreed to work together) servicing the Hunter consisting of Ability Options, ConnectAbility Australia and Finding Yellow. Transfers are expected to commence on 1 December this year.
Mid North Coast Disability Services Limited, another consortium, is servicing the Mid North Coast, consisting of Nambucca Valley disAbility Services, Kempsey Regional Support and Booroongen Djugun, About Inclusion and Ability Options. Transfers are expected from 1 September 2017.
The Department has advised staff that “In the meantime, and after the transfers occur, it will be business as usual for our staff and people with disability.”
This is clearly not true.
While staff may be relieved they are no longer in limbo, great uncertainty for both staff and clients remains.
Please be assured the PSA is still your union and will be actively supporting members and fighting for clarification of the questions they have been asking.
We will retain coverage of staff under the new entities and will ensure that all promises in relation to entitlements and conditions are honoured.
We are seeking clarification from the Department on a list of questions from staff that have been left unanswered and will notify members of new developments.