PSA consultative update for the Better Regulation Division
Your PSA attended the Better Regulation Division (BRD) Consultative Sub-Committee with local delegates on 28 November 2023.
In this update
- BRD 2.0 structures go live
- Safework Inspectors flex, travel allowance, progression, critical incident support and more
- Plumbing Inspectors start and finish times and vehicle private usage
- Auto Inspectors e-pins, Motor Dealers and Repairers Act amendments and more
- Building Inspectors grading concerns
- Role Descriptions impacted by Phase 1 of BRD 2.0
- General Business: The McDougall Report
- Summary of issues to be taken to management
All BRD members
BRD 2.0 Update Management talked to a briefing pack which has been provided HERE. The new structures are live. Updates have been added to the Intranet Sharepoint. Phase I has been a lift and shift however people who have not been lifted and shifted will get a direct assignment letter. Staff will transfer with current entitlements, flexible working arrangements and home office locations. Hypercare people are available in McKell, Gosford and 4PSQ for staff who still have concerns.
Safework Inspectors
Review of Flexible Working Hours Agreement in WHS Metro The PSA will have a meeting with Employee Relations.
PI positions being offered from SI Talent Pool Safework delegates to provide examples for a meeting with Employee Relations.
Inspector progression Safework delegates to provide examples for a meeting with Employee Relations.
Travel Allowance for Inspectors instead of P Card where travel is greater than three nights away There is no appetite within the Department to agree to this.
GIPA Issues around the timeframe for Inspectors to provide response. BRD has responded that Inspectors get five working days to respond, there has been training and they’re producing an online module.
ASIs Being Trained by Lower Grade Inspectors Discussion around whether this was an interpretation of the MOU. PSA will arrange meeting with management and Safework delegates to discuss further.
MSLF fund report It was identified that the fund has a balance of 1974.97 days. Report will be provided to PSA. PSA will forward to members.
Critical Incident Support Survey PSA advised members had been surveyed. Safework delegates to provide a summary which PSA will make available to management.
Plumbing Inspectors
Members raised concerns about start and finish times, both actual and perceived. The PSA reminds members that flex sheets are financial documents and it is fraudulent to write knowingly incorrect start and finish times into them. Members’ timesheets should reflect actual start and finish times and it is not a reasonable direction to be told to write anything else.
A meeting will be organised between Employee Relations and PSA to discuss this matter and also travel time for Plumbing Inspectors.
Private vehicle usage This will be raised with Procurement.
Auto Inspectors
AMANDA Concerns were raised as to whether this is fit for purpose. It will be kept on the Action Items Register for the time being. A meeting is being scheduled with Auto Inspectors soon and there should be a report back at next meeting.
E-Pins It was noted that this is a penalty notice and that plumbers are also writing PINs. In the meantime Plumbing Inspectors were advised that they can continue to write PINs if they are registered under Fair Trading and can use their name badges to write the PINs and can use their employee number as well. Management will follow up on E-PINs.
Motor Dealers and Repairers Act amendments PSA questioned whether the Department was aware of amendments to the Act. There have been changes to legislation in gas and electricity supply which could have resourcing issues around the number of matters in which Inspectors are expected intervene. The Department will come back on this.
Building Inspectors
Grading Concerns moving into OBC The PSA raised member concerns around parity of grades for Inspectors and Investigators moving into OBC. Matt Press requested meeting with PSA to discuss further. The PSA will invite affected members to attend.
Role descriptions
The PSA is concerned that what started out as a request by Auto Inspectors to have their grading revisited has turned into concerns about gradings with a majority of Inspectors moving into OBC. We have requested a meeting with management to address these concerns. It is not appropriate to suggest that because Phase 1 of BRD 2.0 is a lift and shift, people should not expect parity with Inspectors already employed in OBC.
General business
McDougall Report The PSA requested an update on the Review of Safework and whether the Department had an interim copy of the report. The Department committed to come back on this.
In summary, the PSA has agreed to meet with management in relation to:
- Review of Flexible Working Hours Agreement in WHS Metro
- PI Positions Being Offered from SI Talent Pool
- Inspector Progression
- ASIs Being Trained by Lower Grade Inspectors
- Start, finish and travel time for Plumbing Inspectors
- Parity around Grading for Building Inspectors, Building Investigators, Auto Inspectors.
The PSA thanks local delegates and members for their attendance and support at this meeting.