PSA direction: Compliance Operation Inspector Work Bans
You may recall the PSA wrote to Transport for NSW (TfNSW) last week about implementing more appropriate safety measures for Compliance Operation Inspectors (COIs).
The PSA takes the safety of our members seriously. We understand with the increasing threat posed by COVID-19, we cannot afford to have our members continuing to risk their health and safety by working business as usual.
TfNSW responded on Wednesday 11 August 2021, declining to implement most of the PSA’s proposed measures. Not only did it decline most of the measures proposed, TfNSW did not provide specific alternative measures or frameworks. You can read the reply HERE.
The PSA met with TfNSW yesterday, 12 August 2021. Whilst TfNSW has committed to an open dialogue and will continue to work with the PSA, the current measures are inadequate.
As such the PSA is authorising Work Bans for COIs.
Due to the risk posed by this virulent strain of COVID-19, to ensure your safety the PSA has authorised the following Work Bans to be implemented as of today:
“Until further notice, the PSA directions COI members is to:
- For vehicles which are registered, or the driver’s residential address is registered in a declared area* the following tasks are not to be undertaken outside of the vehicle’s and/or driver’s declared area:
a) HVIS annual inspections; and/or
b) road side enforcement.
- At Heavy Vehicle Safety Stations where a vehicle is registered, driver’s residential address, or the vehicle’s load is from a declared area*:
a) where a minor offence/breach is detected no inspection is to occur, the vehicle is to be fast tracked with contactless interaction with the driver.
b) where a substantial or critical offence/breach is detected the vehicle inspections are to occur when contactless, if this cannot occur the vehicle is to be parked up.”
* A declared area means the local government areas which are defined in the NSW Health Orders, or as specified by the Chief Health Officer on the NSW Health Website. As of today the following local government areas are declared areas:
(a) City of Blacktown, (b) City of Campbelltown, (c) Canterbury-Bankstown, (d) Cumberland, (e) City of Fairfield, (f) Georges River, (g) City of Liverpool, (h) City of Parramatta, (ha) the part of City of Penrith comprising the following suburbs— (i) Caddens, (ii) Claremont Meadows, (iii) Colyton, (iv) Erskine Park, (v) Kemps Creek, (vi) Kingswood, (vii) Mount Vernon, (viii) North St Marys, (ix) Orchard Hills, (x) Oxley Park, (xi) St Clair (hb) Bayside, (hc) Burwood, (hd) Strathfield,
How do I follow the Work Ban?
The Work Ban is an authorised direction supported by your union. This means you are protected by the Industrial Relations Act 1996 and any action against you by your employer for following the ban is victimisation. The PSA will take immediate action in the Industrial Relations Commission to protect you.
Members are required to simply inform their supervisor/manager that they are not complying with the direction that falls within the instructions outlined above until otherwise directed by the PSA.
If you have any questions about the bans you can contact your PSA Organiser or Industrial Officer:
Ian Braithwaite Organiser
0400 859 63
Jessica Moore Industrial Officer
0408 213 339.
What happens next?
The PSA met with TfNSW and has notified it the Work Bans are proceeding until such a time that TfNSW puts in place specific safety measures which adequately address the increasing risk of COVID-19.
The PSA will continue to work with TfNSW to get these measures put in place to protect your safety at work. In the interim, members should follow the Work Bans and ensure they have as little contact as possible with drivers of heavy vehicles.
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