PSA directs Grooms to refuse to perform extra duties from Friday, 11 June 2021
PSA members working as Grooms at the Mounted Police Unit are directed to cease carrying out duties which are not those of the Stable Hand/Strapper occupational category from Friday, 11 June 2021.
The Police Force has been on notice since July last year that the PSA was dissatisfied with the process of the review of the Role Description and since February 2021 that members have rejected the new Role Description.
Members asked for the Role Description to be reviewed in an effort to get Police to realise they are grossly underpaid for the work they do. We asked for the Role Description to be changed only if it would result in a pay rise. Police went ahead and changed the Role Description to include extra duties without increasing pay for the Grooms.
Grooms are the lowest-paid staff working for the Commissioner of Police. They are paid far less than Kennel Attendants in the Police Dog Unit. As Police have decided to only pay Grooms at a minimum rate, the Grooms will respond by refusing to do any other duties than the duties of Stable Hand/Strapper, an occupational class which exists throughout the equine industry.
This means that, from Friday, 11 June 2021 Grooms at the Mounted Police Unit will refuse to perform the following duties:
- Making up orders for feed and supplies
- Training horses
- Administering medication
- Vehicle checks
- Vehicle details
- Weeding the grounds.
This action has been approved by the General Secretary of the Public Service Association.
If members are directed to complete duties covered by the work to rule, they should decline and refer the manager to a copy of this bulletin. The PSA will have no hesitation enforcing your collective rights in the Industrial Relations Commission.
If you are being harassed or pressured because of the work to rule, please immediately contact your PSA industrial staff.