PSA lodges dispute with DPC over job cuts
The PSA has lodged a dispute with the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) over its planned job cuts. The dispute will be heard in the Industrial Relations Commission of NSW (IRC) on Monday 8 February 2021.
DPC failed to consult with the PSA before announcing this major workforce transition. The PSA would expect a high level of consultation from DPC, a cluster meant to set the best practice standard for the NSW Public Service.
The PSA remains concerned about how DPC’s planned job cuts will impact services to the community. We are further concerned of how DPC’s planned job cuts will impact on regional economies such as Wollongong, Queanbeyan and Albury.
Your union will keep members updated on the dispute following Monday’s hearing in the IRC.
The PSA calls on the NSW Government to stop these planned job cuts.
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With major change going ahead in the middle of a pandemic, now is the time to join the PSA.
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