PSA Member Update – Dispute with icare over Consultation on the proposed restructure
As you will be aware, today is the final day that has been allowed for the consultation process over the proposed icare restructure that was released on 27 May 2021.
Following meetings with members the PSA approached icare with a reasonable request to extend the consultation process through to 23 June 2021. This request has been refused by icare.
Accordingly, the PSA now considers that this is a matter for dispute and we are currently in the process of filing in the Industrial Relations Commission for their assistance in this matter.
What do we hope to achieve through this dispute?
PSA Delegates and members have raised significant concerns about the genuineness of the consultation process given the short time-frame that has been given.
To date the PSA has only managed to have two meetings with members and we have also received a large number of enquiries through our member support centre.
Just as important, we have only had one meeting with management on 27 May 2021 at the Joint Consultative Committee which has simply been the overview of the proposed restructure and did not properly conclude due to the Town Hall meeting with all staff and the CEO.
We do not consider this to be effective consultation as required by your Award.
As such, the PSA will be asking the IRC to support our position that icare must continue in consultation with the PSA prior to the release of any finalised outcome on the proposed restructure which is anticipated anytime on or after 18 June 2021.
The PSA will keep members up to date as this dispute progresses and regardless of timeframes, we still encourage members to ask questions of icare management and place them on record.
The PSA would also like to thank those members who have contacted the PSA and provided us with information and again we encourage you to continue to keep us informed.