Since October 2021, the PSA has been fighting for, and the Department has been resistant to, the creation of an award specifically for judicial associates.
In August 2023, after it became plain that the Department was not willing to engage in negotiations with the PSA, the PSA commenced industrial dispute proceedings in the Industrial Relations Commission (the IRC). In these proceedings, which are ongoing, the PSA is alleging two things:
- That judicial associates are presently and historically covered by and entitled to the employment conditions found in the Crown Employees (Public Service Conditions of Employment) Reviewed Award (the Conditions Award) since approximately 2014 to 2015; and
- That the salary rates and entitlement to salary progression of judicial associates is provided under the Crown Employees (Administrative and Clerical Officers – Salaries) Award.
Notably, the Conditions Award regulates the employment conditions of the majority of public servants within the PSA’s coverage and provides a comprehensive suite of conditions which are superior to the conditions provided in fact to associates (for example, it provides overtime, 15 days sick leave and various other allowances, leave entitlements and other conditions).
The PSA has notified this dispute because it believes associates are entitled to these superior conditions. It has also notified this dispute in order to determine the existing conditions before it commences subsequent proceedings for the creation of an associates’ award which will tailor these conditions specifically for associates.
In response to the PSA notifying this dispute, the Department discovered a newfound willingness to engage in negotiations with the PSA for the creation of an award. The Department has invited the PSA to provide an updated log of claims identifying what conditions the PSA seeks for associates. Accordingly, the PSA has prepared the following survey for you to both provide feedback on the PSA’s suggested claims and for you to identify your own claims.
The PSA previously provided a log of claims (based on membership feedback) in October 2021. Due to the passage of time, the change of government and various changes to the industrial relations system, the PSA agrees that it is appropriate to provide an updated log of claims.
The Department invited the PSA to provide an updated log of claims identifying what conditions the PSA seeks for associates. Accordingly, the PSA has prepared the following survey for you to both provide feedback on the PSA’s suggested claims and to identify your own claims.
When providing feedback, please bear in mind that the award must create ‘fair and reasonable’ conditions of employment.