PSA win: No role description, No PDP
PSA win: No role description, No PDP – September 2016 (PDF version)
Your union, the PSA, has long opposed the introduction of the Department of Family and Community Services (FACS) Performance Development Program (PDP) into Community Services.
The PDP is currently the subject of a PSA ban for members in Community Services, and members from FACS central and corporate staff.
In the face of our ongoing opposition, FACS finally initiated dispute proceedings in the Industrial Relations Commission of NSW (IRC), where a compulsory conference was held on 1 September 2016.
At the IRC, the PSA won a recommendation that no employee should be required to take part in PDP without first having a capability-based role description.
The IRC also urged the parties to:
- engage in further discussion around staff training needs, with the department agreeing to provide face-to-face training to staff where specifically requested by business units
- consult to develop policy and procedures for managing unsatisfactory performance.
IRC recommendation regarding PDP Ban
However, in conjunction with the above the IRC recommended that the PSA lift our ban on implementing the PDP for employees with capability-based role descriptions, while noting the department’s commitment to transition all employees to capability based role descriptions for by February 2017. The IRC indicated that should the PSA persist with work bans, it was likely that binding orders would be made against your union, which could mean that we forfeit the more favourable recommendations.
On balance this is a favourable outcome, and the recommendations address many of the concerns that led to the implementation of the ban. However, it is the view of the PSA and the Community Services Departmental Committee that FACS has failed to commit sufficient resources, education and training to employees in supervisory and non-supervisory roles for the fair and effective implementation of PDP, which must be addressed if the PDP is to be introduced.
Have your say:
The PSA is seeking member feedback before making a decision on lifting our ban.
PSA members in Community Services and members from FACS central and corporate staff are asked to go HERE and vote on whether to lift the current ban on PDP.
Please note that the ballot closes 6pm, Tuesday 13 September.
PSA keeps up the pressure on out of home care privatisation
Read the PSA’s media release from 9 September on the need for private sector regulation HERE.