PSA’s A Real Choice campaign
PSA’s A Real Choice campaign – April 2016 (PDF version)
Getting the message out
A key part of the campaign has been to alert the community to the critical, but often unseen work being undertaken by members in ADHC and to raise the alarm about what will happen if these people are lost to the disability sector.
The PSA has also been focussed on highlighting the Baird Government’s disgraceful treatment of female dominated workforces such as ADHC when it comes to the provision of transfer packages etc. After significant work to promote these issues the following story appeared in Saturday’s Sydney Morning Herald. Read the Herald story HERE
The legal challenge
In addition to promoting member concerns in the media, the PSA is challenging the Government’s decision to unilaterally impose the substandard transfer package and process on PSA members.
We filed an industrial dispute in the NSW Industrial Relations Commission and the matter was heard last Thursday.
PSA members travelled from as far as the Hunter and Penrith to show their support for the case.
After an hour and a half, the Commissioner made recommendations which included that the Department implement a 6 month moratorium on transferring ADHC employees to the private sector to allow meaningful consultation to occur.
Further details will follow.
Broadening the reach of our campaign
In today’s digital age we need to try new forums and ideas to increase the diversity and number of people who receive our message. That is why the PSA asked YouTube sensation friendlyjordies to produce a video for YouTube on the privatisation of ADHC by stealth. The video has already been hugely successful with almost 160,000 views to date. You can see the video, aimed at the youth market on our website HERE or on our Facebook page HERE
Please help this campaign by sharing the SMH story and the YouTube video on your social media.