Red Tape – January to March 2022 Edition
The latest edition of Red Tape is out now.
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PSA CPSU NSW members all over the state are doing their bit for our planet.
The latest issue of Red Tape looks at just some of the members who go to work to make Earth a better place.
Whether it is fighting climate change, protecting national parks or monitoring endangered species, you can find PSA CPSU NSW members on the front line working for a better environment.
The latest issue also features an interview with former Fire and Rescue Commissioner-turned climate campaigner Greg Mullins, who says governments have a choice: to do more to address global warming or accept hotter, drier summers and more bushfires and destruction.
We look at how planned changes to workers’ compensation laws will affect people catching COVID-19 while they are serving the people of NSW, as well as take a look at the link between insecure work and sexual harassment.
As always, Red Tape has the latest news affecting members, as well as our regular columns, book and podcast reviews, puzzles and more.
You can see our video presentation on the latest issue on YouTube or Facebook.
To read the magazine in PDF format, click HERE.