Rural Fire Service – Realignment of head office functions
The PSA is aware that on 11 November management held an eForum to advise staff of the intended realignment of Head Office functions. We further understand that a more detailed Change Management Plan (CMP) will be provided in the future and that there will be consultation with the PSA in regard to that.
If members have any questions or concerns regarding the current information provided we are happy to raise those points with RFS management.
You can either do this through your PSA delegate/s or you can contact the PSA and have us directly make contact with management. If you contact the PSA please quote call number 143199 so that we can collate information provided.
We encourage any non-members to join the union at Any engagement we have with management is on behalf of our members. Every new member makes the union stronger
Your PSA Delegates
PSA Industrial Officer
Nick Player
Member Support Centre – 1300 772 679