SafeWork Employees not paid! - Public Service Association

SafeWork Employees not paid!

SafeWork Employees not paid! – May 2019 (PDF version)

In another clear sign that the outsourcing of payroll functions to GovConnect is a failure, SafeWork employees did not receive their fortnightly pay this morning, Thursday 16 May.

The non-payment of salary is a serious offence. The Industrial Relations Act states:

117 Employees to be paid in money

(1) Remuneration payable to an employee must be paid in money and, if demanded, at least once each fortnight.

(4) An employer must not pay remuneration to an employee contrary to this section.

The maximum penalty for breaching section 117 of the Industrial Relations Act is 10,000 penalty units ($1,100,000)

The PSA immediately contacted DFSI Industrial Relations to ensure salaries will be paid on time – by close of business today. The PSA has been advised the salaries have been released and the expectation is that they will be deposited today, although this may differ with individual banks.

Any member who has not received their salary by tomorrow should contact the Department.

The Department is investigating the glitch and the PSA is seeking feedback from the Department about what caused this error and what steps will be taken to ensure this non-payment of remuneration does not occur again.

The PSA will keep members updated.

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