Service NSW Award negotiations 2018 - PSA members update - Public Service Association

Service NSW Award negotiations 2018 – PSA members update

Service NSW Award negotiations 2018 – PSA members update – February 2018 (PDF version)

Thank you to the many PSA members who took the time to provide feedback to our log of claims for your Service NSW Salaries and Conditions Employees Award 2018 negotiations. This feedback is crucial to forming your union’s position to negotiate for your entitlements.

Thanks to our members, the PSA is already prepared to start bargaining, and fight for the best deal for you. These negotiations will commence once Service NSW receives their “bargaining parameters” from the NSW Government.

After analysing the large number of responses, we can report that the main claims raised by members fall into the following categories:

Wage rises above 2.5 per cent

The current NSW Government has a Public Sector Wages Policy in place which limits pay rises to 2.5 per cent unless sufficient employee related cost savings are implemented. While this policy is in place, recent events that have been occurring with the NSW Trains negotiations will be taken into consideration by the PSA. The remuneration will be considered once any changes to the Award have been discussed.

Flexible work practices and roster issues

There was a lot of feedback from members on a range of issues concerning access to more flexible work practices, including job sharing and roster issues.

Uniform clause

The current Service NSW Award doesn’t provide any provision for a uniform allowance, unlike the Crown Employees Conditions of Employment Award. Based on your feedback the PSA will seek to insert a clause that provides like conditions for Service NSW employees.

On-call allowance

Likewise, the Service NSW Award does not include provisions for an on-call allowance within the Award, although we are informed that there is a relevant policy in place. The PSA will look to include these as part of the Service NSW Award.

Overtime for employees above Grade 9

The current award only allows overtime payments for staff on Grade 9 or below. The PSA will seek to remove any restriction on the grade level for overtime.

Part-time to full-time preference clause

A number of members have asked that part-time staff who are working full-time hours over a sustained period of time be provided with the option to convert to full-time employment.

Further to the above, the PSA along with members and delegates have identified a number of other areas that we believe should be part of our log of claims. These include:

  • Strengthening the right for employees to take their tea breaks
  • Part-time rostering
  • Study assistance
  • Higher duties
  • Overtime for Sunday work.

There were also a number of issues raised in the survey that fall outside of your award provisions. The PSA will seek to resolve these issues with Service NSW via other means, including through the Joint Consultative Committee (JCC).

These issues include staff concerns about access to recreation leave at the time of their choosing, understaffing, unpaid work for set-up and close-down processes and transparency around transfer and recruitment processes.

When negotiations are underway we will keep you up to date with our progress and developments.

Remember that success in bargaining is strongly influenced by the strength of a union’s members, so make sure you stay active and involved with the PSA, and encourage all of your fellow Service NSW employees to join together with us. To join the PSA go to

For any other workplace issues that may arise, the PSA is always available to assist and provide advice to members.

To contact the PSA please call 1300 772 679.

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