Sydney Academy of Sport and Recreation: Consultation for the Change Management Plan - Public Service Association

Sydney Academy of Sport and Recreation: Consultation for the Change Management Plan

The PSA has been provided with a draft Change Management Plan (CMP) for the Sydney Academy of Sport and Recreation. We are now actively seeking member feedback as part of the consultation process which will close on Wednesday 18 May 2022.

Members can provide feedback directly to the Industrial Officer, Simon van Vegchel by email to .

At this time, we are specifically seeking feedback from members as to the proposed operating model as this is our opportunity to raise any questions or concerns that you may have with the proposed changes for consideration my management in finalising the CMP.

Directly affected employees are also encouraged in the first instance to ask questions of your management. You are always welcome to seek additional support from the PSA.

For more general information on restructures you can review the PSA fact sheet HERE.

Machinery of Government changes to PSA industrial staff

With the recent Machinery of Government (MoG) coming into place from 1 April 2022 and the Office of Sport being moved into the new Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, there has been a change in PSA industrial staff representation.

The PSA would like to acknowledge the hard work and efforts on behalf of members by Industrial Officer Katie Ambler, and Organiser Simone Scalmer, who are in the process of doing a structured handover to the new team.

PSA staff for the Office of Sport is now:

Senior Industrial Officer Simon van Vegchel
Sydney Metropolitan Organiser Amira Thomson
Regional Organiser Ian Braithwaite
Regional Organiser Rebecca Riley

Your PSA Delegates are:

Megan Allport
Jake Fenning
Abe Rose

The Public Sector Needs a Pay Rise

Hopefully by now you have signed the petition, written to your MP and started to engage with our campaign to secure a pay rise that meets the increased cost of living. In light of the recent inflation figure of 5.1 per cent, the PSA has readjusted its ask on the Government to a 5.2 per cent pay increase.

To find out more and support the campaign visit

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