Take our all-member vaccine survey - Public Service Association

Take our all-member vaccine survey

With people across NSW stuck in another lockdown and many frontline workers unable to work from home, it is now more important than ever that all state public sector workers who wish to be inoculated are able to access a COVID-19 vaccine.

The PSA CPSU NSW wants to know if you have been vaccinated, if you want to be vaccinated, and if there have been any workplace barriers to being vaccinated. You can tell us by filling out our vaccination survey.

This is an anonymous survey: individual respondents cannot and will not be identified.

Your answers will be part of our campaign urging the NSW Government to better coordinate a whole-of-government response to getting PSA CPSU NSW members vaccinated if they wish.

Your union is not forcing anyone to have the vaccine. The main aim of this survey is to help the PSA CPSU NSW remove any unnecessary barriers that are preventing access to vaccination for those who wish to receive it.

The survey will take only a few minutes to complete. Please submit responses by close of business Thursday 2 September.

You can find the survey HERE. This survey is in addition to previous questionnaires about the vaccine. Even if you took part in previous surveys, we encourage you to take this one, too.

Members are reminded to seek medical advice regarding vaccinations.


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