The PSA raises your issues: Qualifications, rosters, insignia and medals
Recently, your Delegates met with Security Management Unit (SMU) management at the Joint Consultative Committee. Regrettably these meetings have not taken place for some time. Management has agreed to return to our quarterly meeting cycle, which will allow your union to raise members’ concerns. The next meeting with SMU management is 11 December 2020.
At the meeting, the PSA tabled the following issues:
The status of achieving external recognition of the Special Constables training course under the Nation Qualifications Framework. We have received repeated assurances over a lengthy period that the process to recognise the course as a Certificate IV was continuing. We advised management that any decision to abandon this process would be unacceptable and the union would have to take the matter further.
The advantages of returning to a five-team roster was raised. Your current roster causes too many unblocked shifts and shifts at locations away from your teams. The Commander agreed to have further discussions and to take suggestions from members on board.
Management was also asked to give further consideration to modifying the insignia for Special Constables, to provide adequate recognition to officers with longer service, and for Special Constables to receive Diligent & Ethical Service medals that can be worn whilst in uniform. Management have agreed to consider formal submissions on these matters.
Outside of this consultative process, the PSA is continuing to prepare the Work Value Case for Special Constables and is in negotiation with NSW Police regarding entitlements to Administrative Officer conditions under the Police Administrative Officers Award.
Your Delegates and union are working hard to improve your pay and conditions and to get respect and recognition for the important work you do.
If you want more information, get involved or to sign up a colleague to the PSA, contact your local Delegate or your PSA staff.